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  • India

Health Care & Nutrition

Health Care

Pushp Foundation India acknowledged that improving population health status serves as both a method of sustaining social and economic growth and a goal in and of itself. Despite India’s remarkable advancements in the health field since independence, data from the NFHS-5 shows that access to healthcare is still a problem.

In India, about 72% of people still reside in rural areas and have access to only 25% of the country’s healthcare facilities. On the other hand, people frequently experience poor health due to two main factors: first, a lack of awareness; and second, a reluctance to forfeit a day’s pay in order to travel to the nearest medical facility.

The country’s sheer size and geographic diversity make it challenging to provide for all of the population’s healthcare needs. The epidemic has made it even more clear that the healthcare system needs to be strengthened, so it is crucial to place more emphasis on last-mile delivery to rural regions, universal health coverage, public health, and preventative healthcare.

Pushp Foundation India began its health programme with the intention of providing healthcare to everyone, regardless of location or socioeconomic status, but with a particular focus on the urban underprivileged and disadvantaged rural populations.

Mobile health clinics were established to reach out to individuals in remote locations and unofficial settlements of cities where people lack knowledge about basic healthcare, keeping in mind the health of children, women, and other vulnerable populations.

Most of these people work as daily wage earners and don’t have time to visit government hospitals for even free health screenings.

Pushp Foundation India’s healthcare initiative attempts to bring healthcare to people’s homes and also promotes health awareness and modern healthcare-seeking behaviour among the impoverished. It is accomplished through campaigns, regularly scheduled health fairs, and the use of mobile health clinics to deliver medication, medical services, and health screenings.

Pushp Foundation India has merged the telemedicine model with the mobile healthcare programme since telemedicine services are a blessing for people who live in rural areas. Patients from isolated rural locations can now get teleconsultation services at dedicated telemedicine centres and e-health clinics, where paramedics, lab resources, and medications are available.


Malnutrition cannot be resolved without addressing poverty. Better nutrition promotes health, particularly in children, and the likelihood of escaping the poverty trap increases with good health. It is difficult to combat malnutrition in a dynamic and diversified nation like ours. India has made consistent attempts to eliminate malnutrition, although its progress has lagged behind that of other nations with comparable socioeconomic metrics.

Pushp Foundation India organises medical camps all across rural areas to identify rural children’s early illnesses, saving lives and fostering the nation’s future potential. Through our nutrition planning programmes, we assist kids in getting access to nourishing foods, leading a better, healthier life, and avoiding additional illnesses brought on by undernutrition and mortality.

Our medical professionals base their suggestions on product field studies that are available locally. The goal is to establish healthy behaviours through the use of individualised strategies in order to discover a long-term solution.

Pushp Foundation India uses a comprehensive strategy to fight malnutrition that focuses on three key areas: First, to promote healthy growth and reduce health risks associated with undernutrition, communities must first be provided with adequate nutrition.  Second, is to strengthen current nutrition programmes and schemes with the right adjustments and assistance. Three, establishing research-backed goods, extending technology support, and offering data analytics to policymakers to help address the difficulties in achieving the nation’s nutrition goals.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the already serious problem of child malnutrition by endangering families’ livelihoods, impairing access to and affordability of safe and nutritious diets, and complicating the provision of crucial nutrition services—with disastrous results for the most vulnerable children.

Push Foundation India seeks to improve women’s and children’s access to healthy, inexpensive, and sustainable diets in order to prevent all types of malnutrition. We support programmes that provide children with high-quality food, health care, clean water, and social protection. We also advocate for women’s and children’s best feeding, grooming, and care habits.

Pushp Foundation India places a high priority on the early detection, treatment, and care of malnourished children in order to help them survive, recover, and go on to live healthy and productive lives where prevention falls short.