• 9833448077
  • info@pushpfoundationindia.org
  • India

Child Upliftment & Education

Child Upliftment

Children are the rocks on which society’s future will be built; they are our greatest asset as a nation and the leaders of tomorrow. Every child in the world is entitled to good health, a quality education, and a clean environment to grow in.

Push Foundation India works extensively with government agencies at various levels— national, state, and local— to help drive change in children’s lives by focusing on the overall development of five aspects— social, emotional, physical, cognitive and language. Our efforts is to ensure that more and more children stand to benefit from government schemes.

Our projects and interventions are designed to improve the lives of underprivileged children by helping them get access to quality education, healthcare services, and nutrition while keeping them out of harm’s way. We also work to equip children and their communities to be resilient in the face of emergency situations.

We have worked extensively on alleviating disabilities and providing proper physical, social, and economic rehabilitation to the needy. We do this through well-planned and comprehensive programmes in health, education, rehabilitation, corrective surgeries, and aid distribution, making us the best charity organisation in India.

With the support of our donors, Save the Children has been implementing projects to cater to children’s various needs, making their childhood happier and more fulfilling. We are working relentlessly to give children a chance at building a brighter future. And in this quest, every bit of support counts.

The educational and vocational empowerment trainings provided at Push Foundation India are the very first and necessary initiatives that direct a child towards a self-reliant future.

Only education can make a wide change in the lives of people who are below the poverty line. Every child has the right to get an equal and quality education.
-Nelson Mandela

Child Education

After detailed research done by the expertise of Pushp Foundation India, as per the reports – In order to address numerous problems like healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment, or human rights, there’s no better way to start than providing an education to children in need. Not only does education give kids the ability to support themselves, but it also helps them develop into responsible local, national, and international citizens. According to the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, all children under the age of 18 have a fundamental human right to education, learning, and development (emotional, physical, and mental) (UNCRC). All children between the ages of 6 and 14 now have access to free, obligatory education according to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, which went into effect in 2010.

For many children in the nation, the learning curve has not been constant, even more than ten years after the law’s enactment. Many youngsters are prevented from receiving an education by barriers, including the socioeconomic circumstances of their parents and inadequate instruction in schools.

Pushp Foundation India has a four-pronged holistic approach with a focus on community involvement, teachers, students, and the learning environment.The target population includes children from disadvantaged backgrounds who live in challenging circumstances, children who are forced to work as labourers, children of the poorest of the poor parents, children with special needs, abandoned and street children, children affected by disasters, and children who live in tribal belts, remote villages, and difficult-to-reach areas.

Our scholarship and vocational training programme has developed over the years as a logical extension to the Mission Education programme, facilitating an easy transition from learning to earning and providing less fortunate children with equal opportunities to pursue higher education, professional courses, and technical careers.


To all donors: Please consider making a donation of any size to help create the world of tomorrow.